This pic is not flattering of me, but let's be honest I don't aim to flatter in this blog:
Ahh so many thoughts but so little time. Nap time is hard here. I worked hard since kate was born to really get them on the same routine which is basically play inside until 9:30, play outside until 11:30, lunch and then family nap. Family nap means we are all in one bed for around 3 hours. We read, baby nurses, and then somehow we all fall asleep, and we all wake up refreshed, and ready to go! The house doesn't get cleaned, the laundry doesn't get washed, and dinner does not get prepped, but at least we are all rested. Somehow I find time throughout the day to do everything else, with of course help.
lately with charlie's expanded vocab and Kate's growing interest in her world nap time has been challenging. They both still need naps, that much we know. Once asleep, Charlie is usually out for 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours, the baby closer to 3.
Here is what happens.
Baby may take a later morning nap and not be ready for nap when charlie is. Problem 1. Do you leave the baby unattended while putting down your toddler, or do you take your wide awake and noisy baby into charlie's room and pray that charlie falls asleep despite babys attempts to wake him?
Problem 2. Charlie decides he doesn't want to nap, I wake, I play, I no want to nap. Um, ok. yeh but you are exhausted, I am exhausted, and I don't think I can be the kind of mom I want to be and try to be from 5am till 8pm with NO BREAK AT ALL. In this situation I either A. continually lie him back down while he kicks and screams (usually falls asleep after three attempts to escape), or say screw it and let him get up and play (in this situation he usually overcomes exhaustion and plays rather happily for hours before collapsing in sheer exhaustion around 630-700, not so bad but then I am up and playing by 5 the next morning, not so cool.
Problem 3. Charlie is just about to fall asleep when baby in the other room wakes up crying...go grab baby bring her to you, before you know it charlie and baby are giggling and crawling all over mom who is pissed, tired, and disappointed, but also deep down inside happy her children love each other so much.
Problem 4. You have a great morning tiring everyone out, your children fall asleep peacefully next to you while reading, and you can't sleep, don't have your book, don't have your computer and have no idea what you should do for dinner. In this situation I think, a lot. Make lists in my head, run budgets, daydream about teaching again.....
To those of you who aren't moms, this post is boring, i am sure. For those of you who only have one child...i would say figuring out how to cater to each individual child's sleeping needs has been the biggest challenge, especially if both your kids are still napping and you are a non-CIO non-crip family. To those parents that have to work reading this, know that your wife/husband/nanny works hard to make sure everyone is fully rested and happy when get home from work
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