Saturday, April 4, 2009

what I would like to happen right now...

..another cold beer to find its way to my hand
..dishes to be unloaded and reloaded
...a nutritious dinner to be made that both kids will love
...the toys I organize, and couch I make a thousand times a day to stay organized. hair to stay curly even in the wind. exercise (it has been 3 weeks :(
...a break from my wonderful children. spend some quality time with adam
...for my family to be healthy and happy and with people that treat them well.
...a flat stomach
...crafting skills.
...healthy homemade snacks to feed my children. happy baby back

is that too much to ask for, I deserve all of them, i really do

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen that you deserve them all. I'm pretty crafty--I can teach you scrapbooking and/or knitting! :)