Ever since Kate was born and I stopped working my main goal was to get out of the house every. single. day. We went to my parents' house, to the park, the bluffs, the dm, playgroups, for walks, the zoo...It was chaotic and tiring but very fun and rewarding. The first 9 months of Kate's live I was happiest when I was out and about. It was as if once outside in the fresh air my attitude suddenly improved, I couldn't feel sorry for myself for having two young kids all day by myself, instead I had to focus on keeping them happy, safe, and close by. Quite an accomplishment when your second child is born before your first child can follow directions, truly communicate, walk safely on a sidewalk....
Ever since October when we moved back into to Filbert street I starting thinking more about my days, and how I can make them as smooth as possible, while at the same time giving Charlie hours and hours of outside play, keeping the house in decent shape, having meals made, snacks prepped, playtime with the kids, yada yada yada.
So to make a long not so interesting story short this is what I came up with, this is my routine, and it works very well for us, for now....I am sure in a few months the kids needs will change and so will our routine.
6:30 Wake up, cuddles, stories, and greet the day...
7:00 Make breakfast (with the help of four little hands), and clean the kitchen...Kids play/help
8:00 Focus switches to straightening up rooms, getting everyone dressed, and of course so time is spent just sitting on the floor building together, playing cars, or reading.
9:00 Get ready to depart (a few days a week Charlie goes downstairs to watch Curious George with my mom
9:30-11:30 Outside having fun
Mondays: I watch my neighbors kids and 4 or 5 kids run around and have fun
Tuesdays: Charlie's age playgroup
Wednesdays: Kate's age playgroup
Thursdays: Nature walk (bike, walk, park, bluffs..whatever we feel like
Friday: Kids next door. I get to workout and spend 1.5 hours alone...amazing!
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:00 Quiet play inside, or if kids still have energy we play in backyard
1:00-3:00 Nap
3:00-3:30 Snack and inside play
3:30-4:00 Play dough, paint, montessori projects
4:00 Either park, bike ride, or backyard
5:00 ADAM GETS HOME!!!!!
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Bath
7:00 Bedtime begins
8:30 Freedom at last. Baby falls asleep by 730, but Charlie, man that kid wants to talk forever about his day, and of course we have to tell a bunch of stories before he settles down for sleep.
Can you tell I am a teacher? On top of this I get to workout Mon, Wed, and Fri mornings, and the kids after 15 months LOVE the daycare, so they get to have fun, play with new kids, and new toys while I get to workout.
Maybe it sounds like a crazy set schedule, but it really isn't. The thing I have discovered is that taking care of your house is an all day thing, and that the kids enjoy helping and should help. We try to clean/pick up toys throughout the day right before leaving to go in the backyard, or out and about.
It is a work in progress, but so far so good. We all know what comes next, and both kids get plenty of mom time, dad time, outside time, and inside time. I don't worry about cleaning because it is incorporated into our daily rhythm.
ok. enough. Just wanted to see it all in writing, and have it written down for when I am old and grey and have forgotten everything I have done with the kids
seems so cool to have that structure and also the freedom to do different projects and different outdoor activities. i see such a good balance of structure and spontaneity every time im home. you rock.
Can I take Charlie on Friday?! Brooks needs a playdate!
Yes, you can! This Friday my neighbor has the kids from 9:30-11, so either after naptime works great, or we can definitely plan on next friday...
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