Wednesday, May 20, 2009

trucking along and random thoughts

Last night while sitting close to my sister on the couch she asked why I have not been blogging. I had to think about it. Honestly, I have been mothering in full force and that just leaves little time for organizing my pictures or thoughts into a cohesive and thoughtful post. Also it is funny how blogs work. They are online journals and sometimes you almost wish they were private, and then you can really post everything you thoughts, your concerns, dreams, frustrations, what you don't or can't understand, what you are proud of and how you are blossoming and changing by the moment. And just when these stories are on the tips of my tongue, just when my fingers want so badly to write it down.....I start to waver in my convictions. What if the only way that you can express your worldview, your parenting philosophies, your way of life is through a blog, what if there are people reading that don't take the time to be with you, and you write something they may take the wrong way or get it.
So I just tell those closest to me what my life is like, where my thoughts go, and then once in a while when adam is playing in the backyard with the kids, and the house is clean, dinner is made, wine is flowing, and music is inviting I find my way back to the computer...and a post is made.
So there Kate that is why I don't always post. But I am guessing that as my children grow and are able to play together more independently I will be able while they are awake. 


a fallen thought said...

i just love your writing. so amazingly honest in such a compassionate and thoughtful way. so true to yourself, your life, your process. on to the next, cant wait. love you. (havent taken fuzzy blue off since you gave it to me).
ps. thank you for posting again.

Mama Deb said...

Yes, yes!! I hear you!