Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monsters Incorporated

When I was little my mom had her own little home daycare. It actually wasn't that little. On top of being a patient, flexible, loving, and dedicated mom to all of us, she managed to run a very successful home daycare, a daycare that was so big she hired a few great women to help her....She made home-made lunches, had nap time, outside fun, and worked 11 hours everyday. I have said for years now: If I can be 1/10 of the mom she is, I will be doing just fine.
These past two days I got a little taste of what it would be like to run my own home daycare, and I loved it.
At the end of each day I was exhausted. But I felt like I got to combine mothering and teaching into one wonderful job. I got to know another child who I have played next to for over a year, but never had the opportunity to truly connect to. I got to use all the gentle techniques that I have gathered over the years.
My daily rhythm was slightly altered because we stayed home both days, but between playing, reading, art, and outside time, the day just flowed so beautifully.
Charlie was amazing. He was doting, and careful, and protective. He would race across the room to help this little girl turn her book the right side up. Kate finally had the chance to bond with someone her age. I watched her communicate, make up games, and giggle with this adorable girl.
It gave me confidence that I could handle 3 kids if I could ever convince Adam...that I could run a nature-based nurseery school, or do a home daycare. It made me more confident about the parenting pathways that Adam and I have chosen for our family.


Amy Z. said...

Sarah - You would be great at running a daycare! But - um - wouldn't you have to kick your folks out of their house to run a daycare there? ;)

sarah said...

kick my parents out? No way, they are built in back up. When K and S had to go down for naps, Charlie spent 1.5 hours playing with my mom. all the wisdom of gentle parenting lies within my parents, keep them close...

cblaskower said...

i am so proud of you, sarah. and not at all surprised. when can we talk more about our coop? i'm so excited about the prospect.