Aunt Kate came home last Friday and we took advantage of the sunny day by going to Farmer Jon's. Charlie's first stop was this enormous pumpkin. He ran right up to it and here he is asking a woman (not pictured) if he could buy this pumpkin...she said kindly, no honey, these ones aren't for sale. Good thing, it would have cost me a pretty penny.
Her first stop was to hug this big one. I was proud. We need more pumpkin huggers in the world, don't ya think?
I was happy when I thought he settled for this small one:
But then he saw this "really cool tractor" and patiently waited about 20 minutes for his turn to drive it....
After climbing to the top of a hay pyramid he put his hands out and said, "I can fly?" to which I quickly responded, yes, pretend fly.
All the running around made Kate tired and hungry so after I handed her a snack, she found her own little resting spot. 
Kate had a fun time trying to lift heavy ones, she is very strong and managed to get a few giants off the ground, and I am pretty sure she split a good size one in half but since I only had a limited number of money on me I assumed it was already broken when she lifted it up....
Charlie fell in love with this huge peachy white pumpkin. A new variety that set me back 20 bones, ouch. So much for being super frugal....but it is a beauty and it brings him joy everyday. Between Kate and these pumpkins, this wagon was heavy, but being the dedicated brother he is he dragged it almost all the way...
And finally said, I'm tired and climbed right in...
beautiful. you forget the part where he ventured through the corn fields and found a little playground.
oh yeh, I forgot about the field of dreams incident. Charlie wondered way off and actually went through a field of corn and he was gone. Turned out he was following not the voices of dead baseball players, but a group of children playing at a playground behind a was pretty funny...
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