So far I have yet to fall.....
I figure no sleep, and poor nutrition will really boost my immune system in midst of h1n1 flu.
I actually took both kids in to Kaiser today, a first for me. My doc agreed that a nose swap would be smart, for if they have the "swine flu" they will have gained natural immunity and therefore there will be no pressure/need to get them a new, practically untested vaccine. Especially because Kate's would contain mercury, and I am just not into that.
But I do take these flu's seriously and if they do not have it now, I will have to once again go deep inside my own head to make a plan about the vaccine.
I have never seen Adam this bad, three days of complete exhaustion and the past two days of terrible symptoms.
On a Sunday?
If you are going to be sick and going to leave me to do EVERYTHING including getting kids down for naps and bedtime at the same time, can it at least be on a workday. On Sundays I expect to exercise, cook, organize, have a fun family outing. I don't expect to deal with fevers, coughs, aches, and on top of it all worrying.
I think a lot of what the media presents is actually hype. But of course flu's every year lead to complications and deaths, and with two young kids, and my mom's health it is natural for me to worry.
I have tried to look at the bright side:
1. my kids are rarely sick. maybe once a year.
2. my job is my family, so I don't have to call in sick, make lesson plans, or be distracted.
3. We co-sleep so I knew exactly when Charlie got a fever, had trouble breathing due to his crazy cough.
4. I am hoping for natural immunity, at least in adam whom I am 99.9% sure is dealing with the swine flu
5. I live with my parents and therefore as soon as my dad saw tears in my eyes he raced out to the store to get no chicken noodle soup and ginger ale
6. Same note my mom has a medical background and so assures me viruses are normal and do hydrate hydrate hydrate.
7. I love and miss adam. I miss talking to him about every little thing, having him help with meals, bath and bedtime.
8. Last night while adam was miserable tucked away in his room, I watched the kids play together in the bath and then crawl into Charlie's bed together and read to each other for over 3o minutes. And when I finally tucked myself in between them they told me and each other that they love each other and they both drifted off. I love it.
9. Health is everything
10. I have spend a lot of time making and baking whole foods for my family, keeping the house clean, and crafting...but now is the time to refocus my energy on supplements, herbs, spices, and oils that continue to build their immune systems through the winter.
Finally: please hope that I don't come down with this flu right now. If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody...right?
Love and health to you all!
oh my gosh....i can't believe how bad they all are! you are such a good mama. i hope you don't get sick too. and you think adam has swine? do you think the kids do? oh man. i'm so sorry. i hope you all are feeling much better each day. what can i do? what can a bring to help out? sending all my healing thoughts...
how are you guys now? im sorry im not there to help. im sure you are being strong as ever. love you.
ps. im sure i say this a lot, but you write such an awesome blend of humor, honesty, and compassion. while i was reading this post i could totally feel everything you were saying. like i was going through it with you, not just reading it. not that i have a clue what you must be going through.
love you.
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