Monday, May 10, 2010

Have I mentioned lately...

how much I love my littles.

They are stubborn, spunky, spirited and silly,
Just the way I want them to be.
They question authority, point out double standards, and will hold you to your word,
Just the way I want them to be.
They run in the house with their shoes on,
Make loud dinosaur noises in the wee hours of the morning,
leap off the couch and
cry or yell passionately when they feel their world is unjust,
They are just the way I want them to be.
They are not obedient, they are thoughtful.
They make mistakes like we all do, and usually can correct them without being made to.
They are free, fierce, sweet, and smart.
Just the way I want them to be.
And I have learned to surround myself with friends and family that accept children for what they are: growing beings trying to make sense of a crazy world.
I have learned to be patient and loving when they are being unruly and wild.
They have taught me more than anyone or anything.
And I love them more than anything.
Just in case you didn't know.


Adam said...

I love them too and love that I can read about them at work and look at their pictures whenever I miss them, which is pretty much ALWAYS!

Unknown said...

You are wise to value thoughtful over obedient. It is not always easy to raise spunky children but it is always important. You and Adam make me proud.

The Kunzs said...

Thanks for fine tuning my perspective...Although I do agree, I can't say I always have this mind set.

a fallen thought said...

they get all of that from you!