Monday, May 3, 2010

Safari Run

Some days we wake up with this amazing amount of energy, and if we don't go somewhere and set it free, all hell breaks loose.
Last Wednesday was one of those days. We couldn't go to the park, a nature walk, zoo, or dm due to nasty weather, but I was about to seriously lose my cool if I had to spend one more minute inside listening to the kids fight over every. little. thing.
I desperately searched the area for a "jumpy" place or indoor gym with free play, and kept falling short.
Meanwhile the kids were bouncing off the walls (literally) and I could feel the tears inside me starting to come out.
I even thought about driving to a distant friends house (Jackie, Ellie, Amy?) but everyone works or is too far away.
Then I remembered Safari Run in San Mateo. I tried to go there over a year ago but go the times wrong.
We were dressed, snacks packed, and ready to go in less than 5 minutes.
It always astonishes me. The fighting, screaming, running, and lack of listening animals that had romped around our house for 2 hours in the early morning turned to singing, giggling, playing, listening and helpful sweethearts. Sometimes a change of scenery is just what everyone needs. I value playing inside, but we all do so much better outside.
What could have been a nightmare of a day, became another wonderful adventure.
While lost on our way to Safari Run, yes I am directionally challenged and often get lost in the very area I have spent the bulk of my life in...we found Ryder park. I made a mental note that when we were done playing inside, we would run around and have lunch outside.
Only one glitch. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot at SR the sun peeked out and it was majestic out. And as soon as our time was up at SR and we arrived at Ryder park, it started to rain. But we didn't care. We were just happy to be out and about.

Safari Run:
This made me the happiest mom ever. Every time Kate came to an area that she couldn't climb up on her own she would yell: CHARWEEEE, and no matter what he was doing, C would stop what he was doing and race over to help his sister. These are the same kids who couldn't share or play nicely all morning....

C was too quick for me to keep up with, so I spent my hour charging through obstacle courses with this sweet girl. We had so much fun.
And once C found these rings he was in absolute heaven. He was crazy on them, swinging from one to the another, hanging on to two, jumping from stump to stump avoiding the scary alligators below...

The slides were fast and fun. I let out a few unexpected screams of my own. K was so proud that she did this one all by herself, but of course C wouldn't let her out of his site....
Ryder Park
After our exciting hour was up we headed to Ryder park in time for lunch....and the rain. As we were walking up, scores of kids and parents were leaving.
Charlie continued to climb in true Charlie fashion....

While K made friends with a snail. Adam and I are in a heated debate over snails and whether or not it is ok to kill them. I think I am pulling my kids to my side. Sliffslaff slabberslak...

We love our local parks and all, but how cool is this, especially for my energetic monkeys.

K saw this and said: A Big Mushroom...thought you'd be proud, adam

I guess a long morning of sibling rivarly, an hour of indoor exploration, and some rainy park fun made for one tired kid.....

But not really, after we got home and the rain stopped C asked if we could go on a nature walk...

And honestly, as long as the kids are listening to me and having a good time, I don't care if we are outside all day long, I actually prefer it.


Adam said...

I love seeing Charlie on the rings. That park in SM looks off the hook.

Pam said...

The last picture of the two kids in the field is priceless! I want to go to Safari Run with all the kids. Miss you guys and can't wait to see you all!

a fallen thought said...

sarah. this is probably one of my very favorite posts. it is brilliant. full of wisdom, unbounded cuteness, and or corse humor. the part about k calling c's name and c coming to help. i honestly got teary eyed. and the part about kate calling that thing a big mushroom....i was smiling and laughing through this whole post. you are amazing. these should be published.