is that a real saying, or is it just my imagination.....and is that line from a song.
sorry. a little too much white wine after another long day and my mind
begins to wander.
little kate is turning six months in just two days. hard to believe. i overheard adam saying to her after getting back from work today, "kate, you have been in our lives for half a year now...wow"
In the grand scheme of things that doesn't seem like very long, but in our
whirlwind dating/marriage/baby-a-thon, half a year is actually 1/10 of our new beginning, does that make sense?
Adam and I went to school together, grew up together and have know each other for I am guessing.....15 years now. In high school he was a conservative jock (is that ok to say) and I was a liberal hippie.....I like to think he came over to my side. Actually I know he came over to my side.
We re-met after college when the american dream of graduating from college and getting some high paying job came crashing down and we somehow both ended up back at our parents house, both recently out of relationships that weren't working.
After a run-in at longs, a walk along the bluffs, and a few beers at san benito
.....we had two kids, and an asparagus patch...which to update those of you who have been with me from the beginning as far as blogging, we made a major mistake with our sentimental asparagus patch, we continued to pick all of our tasty spears throughout the past three months. Turns out we weren't supposed to pick them past a month...so I am pretty sure we have ruined our chance of further offspring from our plant and won't be able to reap the benefit of our three year commitment/investment any longer.
When I brought this to adam's attention, this was his response....hmmm...shit....well we can just plant more, what's three years...we aren't going anywhere.
At which I smiled and thought, I really picked a winner with this guy. And I mean that, adam.
ok back to kate. How I got so badly off topic, I have no idea...ok it was the wine
So our second little is almost 6 months. And for those of you who are wondering, no worries there is no soon to be announced pregnancy on the horizon. No SOR EEE...how do you spell that?
Two with 19 months is enough for us, probably for a lifetime.

Kate is a delight, as most of you know.
She coos and ahhs and laughs.
She snuggles like there is no tommorrow.
Her two favorite people hands-down are adam (her dad) and C (her brother). I would list me, but it has been confirmed that K and I are the same person. we eat together, sleep together....and even use the pot together...the toilet that is...I am not that careless of a mom.
She rolls over, tries to sit up (ends up eating her toes), and is enjoying some whole grain and rice cereal.
She is a champion nurser as she has to be, since she has had to adapt and learn to nurse on the go since the day she was born.
She is a great sleeper and napper (minor disclaimer, she has to be slept with...but I am fine with that)
She is gorgeous. She is sweet, smiley, and happy to be here.
Weighing in at 16 pounds 11 ounces and 27 inches, she is no tiny heiny.
And although I had my doubts along the way as to whether or not Sarah B. could mother two under two, I am nothing but thrilled to get the opportunity to cherish, cuddle, nourish, tickle, sleep with, love, and watch this wonder of delight grow.

Happy half birthday little Kate!