Thursday, August 7, 2008

It always happens that way.
When one kid falls asleep so easily and early, the other keeps you on your toes for hours. 
No matter how many deep talks I have with K and C, they still don't get it. Falling asleep around the same time at night makes mommy and daddy so happy. Is that asking for too much? I think we are fairly flexible parents. We lay down with our kids, read to them, get them sips of water, milk, snacks. Sing to them. We are patient, loving, and fun people (most of the time). So all we ask of you Char and Baby is to go to sleep around 8 give or take 30 minutes. Sure you are 2 and you littles are only 6 months, but this is all we ask.
Last night Charlie (after not napping all day) fell asleep with daddy at 7:40, about an hour earlier than usual. I thought: SWEET you rock Adam! Now I will get the monkey to sleep and we can cuddle up and watch heroes (yes, I admit we are watching a tv series about super-heroes, and for those of you who know me well you must be surprised since I have never seen star wars, star trek....ect.)
Monkey didn't nurse to sleep as planned. She has been sick as of late and it was like she came to. She started standing, shrieking, smiling, laughing. Why she decided to truly find her voice at 9 at night is beyond me. 
Around 10 she realized how tired she was and started to meltdown. It was a very hard few hours.
She wouldn't nurse (and actually I realized that she had only nursed once from 12:30-8:30), wouldn't be cuddled, wouldn't be held, rock, or bounced.....a first time experience for me and I hated it.
Her crying and uncomfortable ways brought me to tears and left me feeling helpless. Adam, being the cool, calm, collective and involved dad that he is, actually managed to get her to sleep....which lasted about 20 minutes.
So there you have it. For the next few hours she would wake screaming and I would bounce on my bouncy ball over and over and over, trying to console my so upset little. Praying that Charlie wouldn't wake up again, hoping that I wouldn't fall back asleep on the ball and somehow dropp my precious little onto the floor.
After she finally settled down, Charlie came into our room burning up. I just took  a deep breath, like I seem to be doing more and more these days and rolled with it.
This morning was like the calm after the storm. The baby napped on her own (crazy, i know) for 2 hours (i actually had to wake her up cuz it was time for pilates), and both the baby and c were feverless, and happy. Now they are both napping and I should be too.
So once again we will have our talk after the nap. We play hard all day. We laugh, jump, shoot hoops (by the way when I went to pick char up from my rad parents (who watched both kids two days in a row so I can work out) he was making basket after basket... he has mastered lay-ups and underhand free throws) and by 8 at night we are all tired. so we go to sleep. got it?
Never a dull day in the world of mothering.


a fallen thought said...

you are such a patient and loving mom. just that you know, even in times of frustration and exhaustion, that its part of being a mom and raising a family. that its a part of life, really- the ups and downs, sleepless nights of crying and fevers. and thats its a gift of love to let it all unfold and be ok, no matter what.

sarah said...

you are so right, and after another sleepless night it is good to come home and read your thoughtful words of encouragement and praise.
miss you terribly Kate