Saturday, August 16, 2008

You know you are a parent of a toddler when...part 1

---you find a cheerio in your bra, and you eat it.

---you find mysterious brown areas on your carpet and realize your son pooped on your carpet and the dog ate it up.

--you are able to read an entire children's book with your eyes shut, including turning the pages at all the right times.

--you are worried when you hear hysterical laughter coming from another room (especially when there may be a pet in that room)

--your husband finds pee on his pillow in the corner of the room and you start laughing and your toddler runs into the room and yells, yeh baby yeh baby yeh baby yeh!

--you find food smeared across your babies head and she hasn't really started solid foods yet

--you wake up in the middle of the night because you can hear the pitter patter of feet racing towards you

--your computer screen has finger prints all over it.

--you go into your son's room to find him doing yoga and he instantly asks you to leave

--you hear banging all over the house and when you ask for it to stop you hear  "no char char working.

--there is a rush of silence over the house and you know that can't be good, and when you search for your son you find him playing in the toilet bowl. or eating dog food...or holding a knife.

--you almost break your neck tripping over a toy in the middle of the night on the way to the bathroom.

--YOUR bed is full of books, crumbs, stuffed animals, and on occasional dirty diapers.

--you find yourself swaying singing twinkle twinkle, while alone in line at the store.

--the highlight of your day is when your son pees in the potty

more coming soon


Unknown said...

These are awesome! I love the yoga one.

Debbie said...

Oh, geez...I sway ALL THE TIME! haha.

a fallen thought said...

hilarious and brilliant. i cracked up at every one, especially the first one, and the one about adam's pillow. i can see that scene in my mind and i love it. and so cute about the book. see you so soon.
yu uuu!