this nice bike was our best purchase yet. we take bike rides everyday and it turns into serious cardio for me as this little dude petals fast. He insists on taking off the training wheels, and I think we may just do it.
After months of watching Charlie bead and insisting she can do it, we finally gave her a string and some beads, and after about 10 minutes of trying she starting beading her own beads. 19 months. I was proud.....this is how she does all her art and eats, standing in a chair. so cute, and a bit unsafe.
I love the energy of little kids. Charlie can wake up, play hard, go to swimming class, the park, out to lunch, play in the backyard, and just go and go and go. Lately we have been trying to get back to our rhythm and it is working so well. Inside time/housework/ outside trips to park/hiking/lunch/nap/outside time/dinner. It works for all of us, and I notice that most days the kids clock at least 3 to 4 hours outside running around playing.
Charlie started preschool too, which gives me two mornings a week to run errands and spend quality time with Kate. It is a fine balance between wanting to spend me time, get things done, and just slow down and enjoy 1 on 1 with Kate. I also want to use that time to catch up with good friends.
Here are a few iphoto shots of my day yesterday. I love this time of year. We see sunny days almost as much as foggy ones, pumpkins are everywhere, apples are screaming to be made into apple pie, and the kids are so fun.
so amy theses are for you:
One thing we do every morning is get out of the house and run around. I have found two new spots to adventure in and I am so excited about it. One is around smith field and the forest past it. It is magical. Charlie runs around with his pretend gun shooting monsters while getting down low looking for gnome, troll, and fairy houses. Kate loves to run around after Charlie and says things like "Wait me charlie" and the best part is lily comes with us and gets to get out some good energy too.
We also have the best pumpkin patches around (ok yeh I have nothing to compare it to) but how can you get better than locally owned patches with the ocean behind you and mountains in front. We also are lucky enough to have a perfect set up for things such as painting, beading, and play dough. I can set the kids up and cook!
I finally got around to clearing a spcae and buying some big art paper. The kids LOVE their art wall......
Kate got some special mom time at a local pumpkin patch while Charlie was at nursery school...
We are busy, spending great time with each other, getting to know new friends that we like a lot, and really making the most out of each moment. This is a wonderful time of year. Although being where we are, we really don't have real seasons, so when trying to explain to charlie what fall is he got pretty sad, "oh know, leaves die, trees die...." such a senstive sweetheart.
Sarah - we love that area with the woods by smith field! Next you'll be letting your kids roll around in the mud after the rain!
Amy, you should have seen Kate yesterday after she helped me turn the compost bin.
Can't get any grimier than that!
Of course, the kids are cute, but that little gnome guy is darling. How is that made? You are on to something!!
Let's plan on that hike this coming week. I can do Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon.
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