Of course I was unhappy with this. We had a short lived phase where Charlie used this word. Once I explained to him that wucking wasn't a word (hey I wasn't lying) he promptly stopped using it.
After kids were asleep I asked adam where he heard that...adam sheepishly smiled and said, I am sorry I let it slip, he was hitting forehand after forehand and I said, "Charlie you are so fucking good."
Charlie was hanging downstairs with mama, pa, and some family friends when he announced he had to poop. He went into the downstairs bathroom, undressed himself, placed his little booty on the potty and went. He called for Mama when he was done. She helped him wipe, put his clothes back on and wash his hands. When he was all finished he looked up at his Grandma, whom he adores, and said, "I'm proud of you, Mama"
While getting ready for bed I asked Charlie to close the window in the living room, his little nudey rudey body raced up to the screen and took a deep breath through his noise, and said, "It smell soooo good out there." I smiled and said, "What does it smell like?" and he replied, "It smell like night time." I love this guy.
At the academy of sciences we walked up to a small tank with a preserved fish that is now extinct. This fish was huge, and Charlie said, "Why it not move?" and I said, "It is dead, all fish like this don't live anymore." He said, "Why?" with a sad face. I stumbled trying to explain factors that lead to extinction. He stopped me and said, "It not happy anymore?" And I said, no it isn't happy, it isn't anything. its dead. He said, "Is that fine?"
While lying in bed last night Charlie let out two toots. He said, "Mommy, I warted. two times, should I woft it to you?"
A few days back adam was getting ready to go to work and Charlie said, "you have to go to work?" and Adam said yeh. Charlie looked up at his dad with the most sincere look and said, "preschool IS my work"
In defense of myself, the kid was ripping forehands and I was just really excited and proud of him.
As far as the wafting goes . . . no comment.
hiliarious. cutest boy in the world. and the things you say back to him are just as funny.
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