EDITED TO ADD: Gardening is not good when a little gardener gets dirt in his eye and rubs it and it gets infected and a normally independent, sweet, and curious 3 year old becomes helpless, needy, in pain, and sad.

Charlie collected these fallen pears, waited patiently for them to ripen, and then promptly devoured them.....
I used to think my dream home would have a huge kitchen, a fire place, a patio....but now all I need is a backyard, a nice one. With gardening space and grass to roll around on. Don't worry, I have no expectations of ever owning a house.....I would rather sit on the lawn in the sun and watch my two children eat pears they grew than work all day so that I could barely afford a mortgage.
so adam, start looking. for a lot, a big lot. We can buy a yurt, pitch a tent, and work the land.....I am even willing to go as far as watsonville. :)
Love the dirt all over their hands and faces. Especially the dirt juice dripping down Kate's arm as she is eating the pear!
Oh and the pear bugger in her nose in the third pic.
I love it...building a yurt in Watsonville. I could totally see you doing that and making it more amazing than anyone else ever could!
I hear you about the yard thing...I hate that ours is such a chore to access and not safely fenced for the kids. Drives me a wee bit batty indeed!
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