Tuesday, September 29, 2009

crafts and kids

I found my calling in life...to be a needle felter. I spent hours last night making the gnome above, and the kids LOVE it and have been playing with this Ms. gnome all day. Tonight I will attempt to make a he friend for this gnome. And the shots below are from our latest trip to academy of sciences, over 3 hours of goodness.....


adam said...

If you can stop needling your finger, I think you have a future in this gig.

Amy Z. said...

Good looking gnome Berk! Is her name Marge?

Brooke said...

looking good! did you get a pass for the academy?

adam said...

No, but Barbara in my office had a free adult pass that she was able to use. Thinking about buying a pass since they love it so much.