Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kate at 19 months

Kate is the age Charlie was when Kate was born. That sounds confusing to type. And it was a bit odd to experience. I always tho ught my kids would be around 3 years apart. First kid out of diapers, sleeping alone and well, and in preschool before my second child made an appearance. Ha, that was hardly the case. Now Kate is super verbal, smart, and aware...but even so it is crazy to think about how I juggled an infant, healing from pregnancy and birth, entertaining a tot, caring for a dog, all while living without a backyard and up a flight of stairs.
My pre-training for FIT was carrying a chunky baby in a carseat in one hand, while holding a 19 month old and a dog leash in the other.
Because I had just had Kate it is very easy for me to remember what Charlie was like when he was 19 months. He had around 80 words, 70 signs, a million sound effects, hair, silly walks, funky dances, loved to vacuum, wipe, help sort laundry. He laughed, was wicked good at sports already, and a pleasure to be around. He made welcoming a new baby easy. He spent his day reading books, having books read to him, playing with balls, cars, and puzzles. His favorite thing to do was sit next to his baby sister in the tiny papazan chair and "help" her wave hi to her mommy.
But this post is supposed to be about Kate, so let me get back to just that. Kate is wonderful, spunky, opinionated, and very goofy. Getting her up and down stairs has become a challenge (she insists on walking just like us adults do, won't take my hand for help, and has most recently attempted jumping from step to step like her big bro does). Getting her in the carseat is the hardest thing. Seriously. I have tried letting her stand there and look out the back. Tried explaining to her that I am trying to buckle her in so we can go to the discovery museum. And in the end we have to fight it out. she is strong though, and I am thankful that Charlie always waits patiently next to the door during these common instances. She busts out in a dance to any and everything: the fridge beeping, my singing, great at making silly faces, can dribble a soccer ball around the backyard, has learned how to ride Charlie's big ATV alone, and is talking in short sentences:
Open mouth
Where is she going
stupid charlie
bad daddy
happy daddy
read a book
have booby
have poopy
Daddy, a cookie?
Wow Charlie
Cool Charlie
What's this?
Right Here
No Mine
I want it
Hold Me
I Got U

She has too many words to count, and can copy anything. A few days ago at playgroup she almost landed herself some bacon when she heard another mom say it and she repeated it clear as day. The mom said to my, "Oh she loves bacon." To which I shyly replied, "hmm she has never had any....."

Here are a few pics to show you what our little girl is like:

Like all children, she loves to be outside, especially if there is water nearby.

At a year and a half she adores her brother. They play, talk, laugh, argue, and adventure together all day long.

Although she pretty much glued to me all day, she still loves sitting next to her daddy while soaking up life....

She loves to be with me too, and can be found trying to kiss, hug, and pat me.

She is smart and focused and curious....

She loves all animals, and spend all of our hiking time in Tahoe saying and/or chasing, duck, chipmunk, butterfly, goose....

But her favorite animal of all is still her dog, yiyee....


Amber said...

I love that first picture of her on the beach with the mountains in the back! Cute girl!! It will be fun to see Olivia and Kate together at Thanksgiving :)

adam said...

Might want to keep Olivia out of arms reach of Kate. She's a brute who has been known to pick on kids twice her age and size!

Makes her Daddy proud!