Wednesday, September 16, 2009

motherhood is....

That feeling when your son is hurt and you can't stand it.
When his tears become yours.
When he looks up at you and says, "Mommy, I want you to grow another yittle yister."
That feeling when you say something positive to another mother and she replies with something negative and hurtful and unnecessary
That feeling of disappointmen.
Of missing friends that should live closer but can't
Of seeing your 19 month poop on the potty and the next day pee on the potty.
That feeling when family is near and stops everything to go on a swing with your child, or teach him how to plant a flower.
When you walk into a room and find your kids reading side by side.
That feeling when you feel like you want to tag team out. You want to run to the sidelines and touch the hand of your partner and sit on the grass watching the game being played instead of being a player, a coach, and a referee.
That feeling where you have done your best for what seems like a full day and it is only 3:35
That feeling that it is ok to grab a beer at 3:25 once in a while.
That feeling of letting go. Why I can't master it? It will help me heal. Help me move forward.
Motherhood is stopping everything you are doing all the time to sit on the floor and play workerman with your daughter.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

you are doing a great job! love the "yittle yister."